January 10, 2023

New Year’s Resolutions to Grow Your Business

What are your goals for 2023? Prosperity, business growth, and reduced stress? Accomplishing all of this is within reach — and we’re here to help you make it happen. Partner with PostNet this year to achieve all of your business aspirations.

Read on for our top tips to make the new year your best year yet! Need help incorporating these ideas into an actionable growth plan? Download our free business planning workbook to determine what you need to achieve your company growth goals.


New Year, New You: Branding Your Business for Growth

Our Tip: Ask yourself: is your brand the best it can be? Just as many of us start working out, eating better, or trying new styles at the beginning of the year, this is a great opportunity to think about how you can make sure your company is putting its best foot forward this year. Take a look at your branding and consider giving it a refresh if it’s feeling stale or outdated. 

Why It Matters: Great design and strong branding can help attract new customers to your business, make a great impression, and earn loyalty from your existing customers. Design trends change every year, so if it’s been a while since you’ve touched your logo, brochure, or business cards, it’s likely that they’re no longer as effective as they could be. Ensuring that your brand feels fresh, modern, and polished is a key element to any business growth strategy.

How to Get Started: PostNet graphic designers can help you with updating your logo, brand colors, and business identity to start the year with a bang. Stop by your local PostNet center to discuss your design needs, browse popular styles, and determine what kind of an update your brand needs to be ready for 2023.


Make New Connections with a Fresh Marketing Strategy

Our Tip: Have your marketing efforts gone stale? This year, resolve to step out of the same-old to get new customers in through your door. Try marketing ideas like targeted direct mail to reach prospects who match the profile of your existing customers, or send a budget-friendly Every Door Direct Mail® campaign to cast a wider net. Capture attention with door hangers and yard signs, or take a more personal approach and pass out flyers to raise awareness.

Holding events is another great way to bring people in through your door. Pair a promotion with a mixer for other local businesses, or offer a free prize or activity to catch attention. Banners, feather flags, and sandwich boards can help draw in passersby!

Why It Matters: Constantly developing new marketing strategies is important when it comes to building your growth plan. Just because a certain tactic worked in the past doesn’t mean it will continue to deliver results. Change up your marketing messages and the channels you use to capture attention and reach new audiences. There are so many ways to reach new customers this year.

Continually trying new things will keep your efforts fresh — and you may be surprised to see what works best. Just be sure to keep notes on your efforts and how they pay off, so that you can learn from each tactic and use the results to plan more effective campaigns in the future. Make a plan for tracking the results: for example, ask new customers how they heard about you and record the answers, or create a special tracking URL to use on your marketing materials.

How to Get Started: With so many possibilities for getting the word out, it can be tough to narrow down your marketing strategy. Start by thinking about where your target customers are located and how to best reach them. If your business is B2B, you might advertise along a popular commute route or in office parks to get noticed by prospective customers on their way to work. If you mainly serve customers in a particular town or neighborhood, a hyper-local approach is best.

You don’t need to figure it all out on your own. Just stop by PostNet and chat with our staff about the latest marketing trends and their recommendations for your business.


Simplify Your Life to Support Business Growth

Our Tip: Don’t focus all your New Year’s resolutions on your business itself. Resolve to take care of yourself, too. If you find yourself prone to burnout or frequently feeling overwhelmed, consider the ways you can simplify your workload and manage your time more efficiently. For example, a service like virtual mail can save you time by allowing you to preview all your correspondence, discard junk at the touch of a button, and save only the important mail pieces to pick up at your convenience.

Why It Matters: If you want to grow your business this year, it’s important to make sure that your current setup is scalable and sustainable. Small business owners wear a lot of hats, and many do the work of a full team all on their own — which might be okay for a while, but eventually your business will become too big for you to keep up with everything. Burnout is a real problem in the small business community, and it’s important to develop strategies early on for how you’ll handle growth in a manageable way.

How to Get Started: If you spend a lot of time running errands around town, consider ways to consolidate your tasks. PostNet offers many essential services under one roof — letting you accomplish to-dos like picking up your mail, making copies, having documents notarized, reviewing your business card proofs and mailing packages with just one stop.


Make Your Business Growth Plan for 2023


How will you resolve to grow your business and de-stress your life this year? We’re here to help you make it happen. Stop by your local PostNet center today to tell us about what you want to accomplish in 2023!


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