August 11, 2021
3 Ways to Build an Unforgettable Brand

Some brands are so recognizable that you’d be able to identify them immediately just by seeing a color of a certain hue (Starbucks green, anyone?) or glimpsing the font that’s used in their logo. Brand recognition is a powerful tool that subconsciously influences the purchasing decisions we all make every single day. When given a choice between an unfamiliar brand or one that you can recognize at a glance, you’ll almost always go with the one you know.
This level of instant brand recognition can’t be achieved overnight — but it’s more accessible than you might think. Learn how businesses of any size and type can develop a brand that’s recognizable and drives customer loyalty!
Visibility is key to making a brand memorable. That means putting your brand EVERYWHERE! The more times your customers are exposed to your branding, the more it will start to stick in their minds. Eventually, they’ll be able to draw powerful associations between your branding and your business — and all the positive experiences they’ve had with it.
To determine whether you’re missing out on any branding opportunities, think through every touchpoint that exists between you and your customers. When a customer walks inside your store, what do they see? Are your brand colors reflected in your interior decor? The signage on your door? Are there branded pens for them to use to sign their receipt? Is your packaging branded? Do all your product labels match? For service-based businesses, is your vehicle branded with a custom car magnet? Do your invoices and stationery feature your logo?
Remember that branding goes beyond just your logo, and make sure that you are intimately knowledgeable about every last element that goes into your brand. As a business owner or manager, you should be able to name your brand’s color (more specifically than just “red,” too), secondary colors, and fonts. Are there certain icons you use to represent different products or services? Do you have a go-to brand photo, or a photo library?
Knowing every facet of your brand will allow you to subtly incorporate it into different touchpoints for a fully immersive experience. Making everything in your store or on your website the exact same color might feel overwhelming, but learning to balance out your main brand color with secondary colors and white space can create an aesthetically pleasing, yet powerfully branded experience.
If you don’t have established brand guidelines, a PostNet designer can help you. Show us the branding you’re using now, and we can help you build it out!
The brand experience shouldn’t end just because the customer has left your store, the job is complete, or they’ve finished checking out on your website. Make sure every interaction involves either a take-home item or a follow-up marketing message that reinforces your branding.
For a brick-and-mortar business, you could staple a flyer to the customer’s receipt to take home with them. For an ecommerce business, be sure to include materials in the package — even an extra gift, like a pen or notepad. For service-based businesses, such as landscaping or HVAC, consider offering an item like a magnet featuring your contact information. This acts as a tangible reminder of your business and your brand, while also making it easy to get in touch with you if they need your services again (and to recommend you to their friends!).
Ready to start building your brand recognition (and cashing in on that customer loyalty)? Let’s chat! Stop by your local PostNet center today to work with one of our designers.